Hi, blogging again after a long time. feeling lots of ups and down during the period..hell leave it for now..
I dedicate last week to writing the scripts, I wrote
vim plugin for
uploading and downloading the code to/from pastebin and also created an API using
wurfl to detect the mobile device config and provide the run time support to it.
Vim Plugin Story :Finally I wrote my own vim plugin, I had an idea long time ago, but never get the time to implement it, during this weekend I have nothing much to do so, I decide to go with the plugin and give rest to other tasks, I spend two days on writing plugin.
Plugin basically parse the HTML code using the
beautiful soup python module. After getting the branch of the code text, I removed the additional HTML tags and copied it to the vim editor.
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import sys
soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(data))
code=soup('div', {'id' : 'code_frame'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(str(code[0]).strip()))
code_text = soup.div.div
code_for_vim = BeautifulSoup(str(text).strip(), convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
print code_for_vim
above code print the code pasted on the valid link of the pastebin, this involves parsing of the HTML source and beautiful soup does it beautifully ;). I called above python script from the vim
function command! -nargs=0 PasteBin :call pasteCodeFromPasteBin()
which could be called by user from vim editor by typing :Pastebin.
fun! pasteCodeFromPasteBin()
let g:binLink = input("Enter valid pastebin link : ")
let g:data=system('python ~/.vim/plugin/beautiful.py '.g:binLink)
set paste
exec "normal O".g:data
and for uploading the code directly from vim editor, I used pastebin api http://pastebin.com/api_public.php which require code to be pasted, language preference, email ID, title etc details passed as a post argument with an api, for this I used 'curl -d' and perl
let g:data=system('cat '.bufname("%").'| perl -p -e ''s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg''')
let g:query='paste_private=0&paste_code='.theg:data.'&paste_name='.g:name.'&paste_email='.g:pastebin_emailid.'&paste_format='.g:pastebin_language
let g:out=system('curl -d -s"'.g:query.'" http://pastebin.com/api_public.php ')
WURFL Story:
WURFL is a Device Description Repository (DDR), i.e. a software component which contains the descriptions of thousands of mobile devices with the help of WURFL I create an API which can detect not only the device but can also find the nearest match from the available configs and provide the run time support to it.
// Include the WURFL/Application.php file
require_once "WURFL_Installation_Dir/WURFL/Application.php";
// Provide the absolute or relative path to your wurfl-config.xml
$wurflConfigFile = "wurfl-config.xml";
// Create WURFL Configuration from an XML config file
$wurflConfig = new WURFL_Configuration_XmlConfig($wurflConfigFile);
// Create a WURFL Manager Factory from the WURFL Configuration
$wurflManagerFactory = new WURFL_WURFLManagerFactory($wurflConfig);
// Create a WURFL Manager
$wurflManager = $wurflManagerFactory->create();
WURFL maintains the database in wurfl-config.xml file and which is created on the basis of the user agent of the different devices, by passing the argument of $_SERVER array to the WURFL API we can get the exact model, brand, device OS, resolution and other additional details. http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/help_doc.php#product_info online doc available for getting different capability sets of the device.